Implant Dentures
Implant overdentures are the best solution to the problematic lower denture. Time and time again, denture patients suffer from loose or ill-fitting dentures especially on the lower jaw. As time goes on, the lower jaw ridge resorbs causing the denture to be loose. No matter how many relines you’ve had, the issue always seems to come back.
Dynamic Dentures have an understanding of implant dentures like no other, and a dental team like no other. Mike Russell, owner and director of Dynamic Dental Ltd, has vast experience in implant dentures. Having worked for 5 years in Australia with Osseo Dental (distributor of 3M ESPE Mini Dental Implants) and Implants Diffusion International (IDI), Mike has attended countless hours of education and training in all aspects of implant overdentures, and has attended numerous exhibitions such as the ADIA (Australian Dental Industry Association) and ADX (Australian Dental Expo). Mike has also helped hundreds of dentists in the hands-on prosthetic protocols. His knowledge in the field makes him an invaluable asset to the Dynamic team.
As technology advances implant overdentures have become more and more affordable. There are two types of dental implants: conventional (full) implants and the less invasive mini implants. There are, of course, advantages to each type of implant system so please ask Dynamic Dentures to help you choose which solution is best for you.
Dynamic Dentures can organize an A-to-Z treatment plan suitable for you. Don’t hesitate to call us, we’d love to talk.

“Old age has the same appetite, but not the same teeth”
Magdalena Samozwaniec